Posts by hazelbasil

Somber The Drums – diiv

Posted By on Jul 18, 2024

So we saw diiv band last month, first time ever. Andy told me about them a few years ago but being the forgetful spouse that I *am, didn’t really get into them until I saw they were playing the Wiltern. Of course a few weeks prior to this show, I started listening to their latest Frog In Boiling Water, as much as possible. Not because I had to, but because to me, they’re that great. I love the breathy vocals [bassist and...

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What a crazy, yet great idea for IKEA “mastering the art of love FOR the bedroom”. It’s brilliant marketing – and I love the clever illustrations. My top favorites are the Glowing Boudoir – those dark colors, the Twins Temple – those dual bookshelves, and the Boogie Woogie – the floating shelves and the furniture. Here are the rest of them!...

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All Apologies

Posted By on Jun 25, 2018

Sorry for the 2 year absence – so much has happened. Death in the family, loss of family, and a change in jobs. However, through it all, I am still enjoying life in California. I hope to post more often – at least once a quarter, or whatever I feel less anxious about. It’s odd and strange, how death makes you realize how life is too short. I’m hoping we are all living our best life, now.

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Yesterday I met a Meetup group that was taking photos in the Fashion District in L.A. Here are some photos I took. Loved this lady’s style and the fact that we were on 11th street, with 11 seconds left on the crosswalk sign. Legs Sock and sandals in the fashion district: to each his own. I don’t know if Jordan would approve though. My spouse and my nickname to each other. It stands for… If you have pink skin, you can...

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