So we saw diiv band last month, first time ever. Andy told me about them a few years ago but being the forgetful spouse that I *am, didn’t really get into them until I saw they were playing the Wiltern. Of course a few weeks prior to this show, I started listening to their latest Frog In Boiling Water, as much as possible. Not because I had to, but because to me, they’re that great. I love the breathy vocals [bassist and guitarist], the dual guitars, drummer, everything.
They’re worth seeing live – they put on a great show. Love their harmonies, of course their music, the random band traveling footage and underlying themed cult/corporate messages in the background videos. I tried my best to be more present at the show, without taking too many photos or videos. The only one long video I shot [iPhone 11], was their final encore song, appropriately named Everyone Out [*they’d been playing for over an hour and a half and my feet can only take so much concrete floors/standing].
*[*he’s too close to me, I get dismissive when he recommends things (WHY do we do that to the closest people in our circles?!)]

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