Design Resources Global

Posted By hazelbasil on Nov 21, 2013 | 0 comments

Since yesterday’s post was about local design resources, I wanted to share some of the global design resources I use and often visit. I’ve included some web design links as well.

Coroflot – design link that posts jobs and articles

CreativeBloq – cool

Core77 – industrial design

Behance – online porfolio site that brought 99u

99u – awesome resource that encourages ACTION, especially for creatives who tend to procrastinate, like me

Red Lemon Club – designer that definitely knows his stuff and shares awesome articles

37 signals – more of a productivity site, but definitely inspiring and encouraging

ReadWrite – everything about the web and more

Alistapart – mainly web related, but a great simplified resource

Technorati – more tech and web

Design Observer – great site that showcases anything design related; great app too  

HowDesign – graphic design resource

Harvard Business Review – great business resource

FastCoDesign – Fast Company’s take on the design world

FontSquirrel – free web and print fonts

DaFont – free fonts [be mindful of the permissions]

GirlsWhoWearGlasses [their site is temporarily down, but they do have a Facebook page].

the Sartoralist – awesome photo blog by a former graphic designer turned photographer

htmlgoodies – html goodies

w3c – world wide web consortium

shuttersisters – awesome expressive photography site

ourcollective – related to shuttersisters, now has the photo calendar on their site, as well as other creative photo resources