So I completely forgot to post yesterday and will just have to post twice today. Last night was trivia night at a local place called Montreaux’s Bar & Grill. In lieu of trivia, here are some random personal trivia about me…
- I’ve a twin sister
- I can’t do cartwheels like my twin
- I’m Filipino and I don’t speak Tagalog (but I sure do recognize it)
- I have a ginger husband who is 1/8th Filipino and Chinese but didn’t know that til after we started dating
- I used to play flute, guitar and bass guitar
- I didn’t start drinking coffee til I was 22
- I didn’t have an alcoholic drink until 26 [what can I say, late bloomer?].
- I lived in Sicily for 3 years (dad was in the military – Go Navy!)
- I’m a Star Trek fan [all of them, in particular order of discovery: DS9, TNG, TOS, VOY, ENT]
- I do not plan on having kids [if God does, I hope he makes that apparent to us soon]
- I play tennis and soccer with mediocrity
- I play foosball superiorly
- I’ve finished 2 half marathons [which unfortunately do not equate to a marathon]
That’s all for now!
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