Posts made in July, 2010

Send a S.A.S.E. [self-addressed stamped envelope] to The L’il Happy Invisible Creature S.A.S.E. Club and they will send you stuff back! BUT, there’s a creative catch! “Regardless of your artistic ability”, they want your envelope to be designed or illustrated by you! They will post the coolest ones on their Lil’ Happy Twitter page.Thanks Andy for sharing!

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What drives creativity?By Harvey MackayImagine if you could turn on creativity like starting a car, rev the engine to get up to speed, cruise along in the fast lane, and then park it in the garage until you needed it again. Is there anything you couldn’t accomplish?We’ve all had days when the engine stalls, the tire is flat or road construction brings traffic to a screeching halt. Nothing seems to get us going.You...

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