Even if you’ve already broken your vows to exercise more, eat healthier or spend less money, it’s never too late to set a few professional goals. Following are five easy-to-implement ideas that can give your career a boost:
1. Clean Your Desktop. Both in the office and on your computer. Spending just an hour or two getting organized can reduce time spent searching for files in 2008.
2. Set Up Lunch Dates. Breaking bread with peers, mentors and business prospects can help you solidify new professional relationships.
3. Beef Up Your Book. Update your portfolio with the work you’re most proud of from 2007, and be sure to note the particulars, including the results of your efforts.
4. Get In The Know. Take a few minutes to sign up for enewsletters or RSS feeds from your favorite design news sources. Also, bookmark blogs and web sites of interest. A steady stream of useful information will keep you inspired in 2008.
5. Track Your Achievements. Set aside a folder where you can make note of your accomplishments. This information will come in handy when you’re preparing for a performance review or updating your resume, or simply when you need to massage a bruised ego.
The Creative Group is a specialized staffing service placing creative, advertising, marketing and web professionals on a project basis. Please visit www.creativegroup.com.
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